Undead Anonymous

Ask Andy

For this installment of Ask Andy, our question comes from Rachel, who wonders:

So, who tasted better?  Mom or Dad?

Well, this answer is fraught with all kinds of Freudian mine fields, isn’t it?

To be honest, I’d have to say that I preferred eating my mother.  You know, that just doesn’t sound good no matter how you try to gloss it over.

Oedipal references aside, the answer is Mom.  Dad internalized a lot of anger and resentment, not to mention the fact that he ate a lot of salty foods, all of which had a definite effect not only on how he tasted but on his overall quality.  A lot of gristle, tough and stringy, with a bitter, salty aftertaste.

Mom, on the other hand, had a sweet nature and never had a bad thing to say about anyone.  The result was a quality of meat that was more tender, more succulent, and had a nice, delicate flavor.

Um, I’m done with this question now.

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