Undead Anonymous

Ask Andy

Chelsea and her “friend” write in and wonder:

First, since becoming a zombie, has it been hard to control urges of wanting to eat human flesh? If so, what does Breather taste like?

And second, on behalf of my friend, (sorry) have you and Jerry ever had an awkward ”guy to guy” moment?

Well, Chelsea, first of all, yes, it has been difficult to control my carnivorous urges, though it wasn’t always a problem.  Initially, I had no craving.  Not all zombies reanimate with a hankering for human flesh.  But it’s hard to resist fresh Breather when someone cooks it on a grill with barbecue sauce and hands it to you in a sliced homemade herb roll.

Sometimes I wonder if we would crave human flesh at all if it weren’t for the expectations created by Romero at the end of the 1960s.  After all, before Night of the Living Dead, zombies were pretty much just drugged up slaves.  So I think there’s a lot of peer pressure now for us to do what we’re expected.

And how do Breathers taste?  Like brown sugar bacon.  Yummy.

As for your “friend’s” question about the awkward “guy to guy” moment between Jerry and me, the answer is no.  We’re just friends.  But we have shared the same entrails on occasion.

Thanks for the questions, Chelsea!

One Response to “Ask Andy”

  1. Chelsea Says:

    Thank you so much for responding to my question and on behalf of me and my friend. First off hmm? I never guessed human flesh would taste like brown sugar Bacon, interesting. and Second my friend she’s crazy I’ll just say that, I’ll be glad tell to her your response, when I was thinking of what to ask my boyfriend and my friend were seated next me and my laptop. and she just burst out asking if I could put her crazy question, so I did.

    Thanks Andy hope to talk to you again.



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