Undead Anonymous

Ask Andy – Zombie Sports

Emily and Alex were wondering:

Do Zombies play hockey?

Why did the referee stop the All Star Zombie hockey game?  Because there was a face-off in the corner.

To be honest, this joke was originally told with lepers instead of zombies, but I thought it was appropriate here because it rings with a certain amount of truth.  Zombies playing hockey would present a number of problems, not the least of which would be body parts falling off and getting caught up in the skates.  If you’ve never seen a hockey skate slice through a detached, decomposing ear, then you probably wouldn’t understand.

There’s also the dangers of high-sticking, slashing, and spearing which, when committed on a Breather, would only yield a two-minute minor penalty.  When committed on a zombie, however, you end up with detached eyeballs, maggot spills, and prematurely evacuated body cavities.

So no, zombies don’t tend to play hockey or any other high-impact, violent sports.  But we do enjoy a good game of checkers.

Thanks for the question.

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