Undead Anonymous

Blah Blah Blog

Okay, I realize it’s been nearly two weeks since my last blog entry, Andy’s comments about breathers notwithstanding.  Chalk it up to projects and trip planning and general distraction and attending to some personal matters like flying up to Portland and helping my mom pack and then driving her down to California, which is what I was doing when I was informed that Breathers had made it on to the final ballot for the 2009 Bram Stoker Awards for Achievement in a First Novel.

Woo hoo!

But that’s another blog post.  Eventually.

This was going somewhere when I started it.  Let me get my map.  Hmm, let’s see…ah yes, there we are!

I’m aware that I seldom discuss what I’m working on, or not working on (which is often the case) because I don’t plot and I’m not really sure where it’s going and I’m easily distracted, so I’d have to be vague and stumble through some fragmented explanation that would try to deflect attention from the fact that I had spent the last three days playing spider solitaire and watching the last season of Weeds.

I do, however, sit my ass down in front of my computer at 8:00am every morning (or mostly every morning) and give myself the next 3-4 hours to compose my 1000 words for the day.  Sometimes I see other authors posting on Twitter that they’ve finished their 2000 words by noon and will write another 2000 words that night.  Or that the average person can write 500 words an hour (which is two, double-spaced pages in 12-point Times New Roman with one-inch margins), and I think, okay you gluttonous bastard, how about giving some of those words to me?

The most words I’ve ever written in one day is 2500, and I powered through 5000 words in two days back in February 2008 just before the Super Bowl when I had a bad cold and was finishing up Fated to give to my writer’s group.  I have to say, I think that was probably some of the best writing I’ve done.  I don’t think I edited much of that portion of the book.  Maybe I should write when I’m sick and under deadline more often.

So that’s why I don’t tend to blog about my writing.  But if anyone’s interested enough in knowing more about my process, I’ll be happy to occasionally blog about it.  But be warned, there will be a lot of plot holes.

I also notice that some authors are perfectly capable of blogging about personal things that happen throughout the course of their existence – health issues, pets dying, interpersonal relationships.  Which always amazes me when men can blog about relationships because we never talk to each other about them in real life.  And yes, I firmly believe that the Internet is an alternate reality.  Kind of like on LOST.  Though I’m not really sure which reality is the real one there.  The island now or the airplane landing in LAX three years earlier?  Come to think of it, maybe I’m not sure about this reality, either.

Where was I?  Ah yes, personal things…

While I’m perfectly happy sharing my love of Ben & Jerry’s and the fact that I have a lingering man crush on Kevin Costner, I’d prefer to leave the more personal details of my life to the tabloids.  Who, fortunately, don’t give a damn about me.

So there you have it.  A rambling discourse on not much of anything.  Thank you for listening.  Now, back to spider solitaire.

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